“Love thy neighbour” may just be the most important of all the ten commandments.
Of course, this uses the word neighbour in a much broader sense of the word.
In this context, your neighbour isn’t just the person who lives directly next door to you but forms part of your entire community and greater society in general.
This Sunday, the 31st of March is Neighbour Day. This day intends to bring neighbourhoods together all around Australia to create a safer and more secure community.
How far would you go to help protect your neighbour from criminal activity in your community?
Know Your Neighbours
Knowing your neighbours and those in your neighbourhood can go a long way towards deterring crime and criminal activity.
If someone or something is out of place, you can immediately alert the relevant security company or authorities of a perceived threat.
Being alert in your community and keeping a watchful eye open is one of the greatest steps that you can take to ensure better safety and security in your neighbourhood.
You can even go one step further and get involved with your local neighbourhood watch.
The use of social media and other mobile instant messaging apps can encourage communication between neighbours and help them keep an eye out for one another.
If you would like to know more about Neighbours’ Day, visit this website.
About Us…
At Rechenberg, we understand that keeping your family and neighbourhood safe is very important.
And that keeping your assets protected can save a whole lot of unnecessary hassle and inconvenience.
Since 1971 we have been providing reliable and affordable Locksmithing and Security Services for the residents all over Bundaberg.
For more information about our services please call us on our Bundaberg number (07) 4150 1234 or our Brisbane number 07 3426 8500.
You can also send us a message on our website: https://www.rechenberg.com.au/contact-us/